Thursday, December 15, 2011

Major Announcement for 2011

1713 was as far back as we had got with the folk who started the Lankshear spelling of our surname- via this 1713 Robert LANCHISHEAR marriage to Frances DAWSON - the first marriage in linked tree

Well this year 2011 I've found the birth of  Robert 
1686 baptism Robert LANCHASHEIRE in Castle Cary, Somerset

and 1686 was also the year Frances Dawson was born so they were the same age when they married.....

I've been trying to get further back for Robert's parents and you can follow that search on the web pages themselves

So previously there were the LANKSHEAR families from Oxfordshire and the LANKESHEER families from Someset. Now we are all from Somerset. 

There are now Sharing icons available on the web pages.. So you can send to others interested in any pages about your family groups or post on Facebook etc....
Having a share by blogger icons enables me to quickly write a new blog page. Hence this current blog... You can follow these blogs through RSS feeds which I cannot set up for the web site itself.