Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ann and William HORNER

My great grand Aunt Ann King married William Horner in 1850
I had found them in 1851 and also Ann's death in 1900
But inbetween I had not found.
My dear cousin Diane found them in 1881 and also was finding marriages etc of their children

In 1881 they were indexed as HOMER - so off I went and found 1861 as Horne and 1871 as Horner
and also William's death in 1890

here is the detail

HORNER - marriage of William to Ann KING sister of future Jane EAGLE

Many thanks to Diane who is a really big help in EAGLE research. Diane's father is my Uncle Ernie
who was a great opera singer and we used to have great musical parties with my father playing the piano.